The vision of our group is to bring together men who have prostate cancer plus their wives/partners and families to give support based on our own experiences.
We will also work to raise the awareness of friends, neighbours and the community to the need for men to ask their doctor for a Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) blood test to help rule out the likelihood of having prostate cancer.
Our Golden Rule
We do not give medical advice – your GP, your Urologist and allied health professionals are the only people who are legally qualified to give you medical advice.
Our group meets on the first Thursday of the month at the District Council of Grant (old council chambers) at 7.30pm.
There are no fees.
Hear guest speakers, talk with men who have had treatment, find out information and get support for you, your partner and family.
We also meet at the RSL Club on the 3rd Wednesday of the month for a coffee, ladies go off together for a catch up and the men do the same.
District Council of Grant
324 Commercial St. West
Mount Gambier SA 5290