Research Funding Round 2019
The 2019 PCFA funding round was the first call for Priority Impact Research Award proposals under the new PCFA Research Strategy 2019-2022. In alignment with the objectives, principles and priorities of this strategy, PCFA called for research proposals that address one of two priority research areas:
Priority Research Area 1:
Research that uses existing Australian repositories of biological samples from men with prostate cancer to better predict prostate cancer's progression.
Priority Research Area 5:
Research that advances knowledge and understanding of the impact of prostate cancer on men’s lives and the lives of their partners and their families.
PCFA awarded three Priority Impact Research Awards in 2019, two in priority research area 1 and one in priority research area 5.
Priority Impact Research Award – Priority Research Area 1
Using new epigenetic information to better predict which men are most likely to develop aggressive prostate cancer.

Prof Melissa Southey, Monash University, VIC
Some families are more susceptible to prostate cancer than others, possibly due to inherited DNA sequence variation (genetics) or DNA modification (epigenetics). We have recently identified several inherited DNA modifications that occur in families with higher rates of prostate cancer. We will now combine this information with existing risk prediction models and molecular testing strategies for prostate cancer to improve prostate cancer risk prediction for all men. Knowing a man’s prostate cancer risk will assist clinicians to determine how best to test for the disease and how aggressively to treat the prostate cancer should it occur.
Finding new genetic risk factors for prostate cancer.

A/Prof Renea Taylor, Monash University, VIC
When a man is diagnosed with prostate cancer, it is difficult to determine if his disease will progress rapidly or slowly. This project aims to identify men likely to have aggressive prostate cancer based on changes in their DNA (their gene profile). To do this, we will study new inherited cancer-causing genes in men with prostate cancer to better predict prostate cancer severity. This research will also improve our ability to apply genetic screening to aid early detection and identify the appropriate treatment(s) should prostate cancer occur.
Priority Impact Research Award – Priority Research Area 5
Multimodal pre-habilitation in couples affected by prostate cancer.

A/Prof Catherine Paterson, University of Canberra, ACT
New evidence suggests that improving the physical and psychological health of people diagnosed with cancer, before they begin treatment, has beneficial effects on their recovery and quality-of-life once treatment begins. This is called pre-habilitation. This study will examine the effects of pre-habilitation on men choosing surgery for localised prostate cancer. It will also determine the benefits of pre-habilitation on a man’s partner/spouse. The project findings will provide immediate benefit to men and their partner/spouse being treated through the Canberra Health Services as well as providing important information necessary for a definitive large-scale clinical trial.