Adjunct Associate Professor Steve Callister – National Chairman
Steve is Managing Director and Partner of his own import wholesale company.
After being diagnosed with Prostate Cancer in 2004, his first role in 2005 was as Convenor of St Vincent’s Prostate Cancer Support Group.
Subsequent roles have been as Chairman of the NSW SAC, delegate to the National Support and Advocacy Committee and Chairman of the NSW Board.
In May 2009 he became Chairman of PCFA’s Marketing and Fundraising Committee of the National Board, Deputy National Chairman in 2015 and National Chairman in November 2018.

Mr Chris Hall - Deputy National Chairman
BComm. (Hons), FCA, MAICD
Chris joined the Board of PCFA in May 2007 as Finance Director and was appointed Deputy National Chairman in November 2018. In January 2021 Chris became a member of the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority’s Audit and Risk Committee.
A former partner of KPMG, Chris was also a member of the firms National Executive Committee and a board member. Chris was also a member of the Australian Auditing and Assurance Standards board until January 2011.

Nicki Anderson
Nicki joined the Board in December 2019 with a strong link to PCFA through her dad, a radiologist, who lost his battle with prostate cancer in the late 90's and this drives her to want to play a part in a future where no man dies of prostate cancer and Australian men and their families get the support they need.
Nicki has over 25 years’ experience working in Oceania, Asia, Europe and America and has hands on leadership experience in strategy, sales/fundraising, marketing, customer experience and innovation within the humanitarian, food, beverage, consumer goods and agribusiness sectors. In addition to her significant leadership roles in the commercial sector, she was the Head of Major Donor Partnerships for over three years at Australian Red Cross and won the Persia Porter Scholarship in 2018.
Nicki is currently a Non-executive Director of ASX listed Graincorp and Collins Foods, Deputy Chair of the Australian Made Campaign Limited, and Non-executive Director of the Craig Mostyn Group and Fred Hollows Foundation. She is former Chair & Member of the Monash University Advisory Board for the marketing faculty.
Distinguished Emeritus Professor Judith Clements AC
Judith was a member of the PCFA Queensland Board from its inception in 2008-2022 and Chair 2012-2022, in which time she also served on the National Board. She has also served on the governing Councils of QIMR Berghofer (2002-2014) and Queensland University of Technology (2009-2012, 2014-2016).
She co-founded, and was Chair (2001-2017), of the Australian Prostate Cancer BioResource - a key national resource that underpins prostate cancer research nationally and co-led the Queensland node of the international genetics consortium for prostate cancer, PRACTICAL. She also co-founded the Australian Prostate Cancer Research Centre – Queensland (APCRC-Q) in Brisbane.
She was awarded the Companion of the Order of Australia in 2015 for her work in the cancer field, education and as an advocate for the development of biomedical research facilities. She became a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Health & Medical Science (FAAHMS) in 2017. A Queensland Great in 2019 and a Fellow of the Queensland Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2022.
Mr William Munro
Bill Munro is a former merchant banker and company director of a number of public and private companies in Western Australia. He is chairman of the Perth Korean War Memorial Foundation and is actively involved as a director of organisations concerned with the welfare of veterans.
Bill joined the State Board of PCFA in 2011 and was appointed to the National Board in 2014.
Mr John Palmer
BA, B.Sc. App (Building) Class 1 Hons, FAIM, FAIB, PRI, Chartered Builder, Design Building Practitioner JP.
John is a Past President of the Rotary Club of Lane Cove and a Rotarian of 45 years. In 1997 he was the second Chairman of PCFA.
He is a retired Associate Lecturer University of Technology Sydney. John is a Chartered Builder and the Founder and a Director of Building Durability Pty Ltd, T A Taylor (Aust) Pty Ltd and Research & Applied Technologies Pty Ltd.
In 1991 John established a joint venture with and was a Board Member of the TIANAO Building Repair Materials Institute in Tianjin China until 2002.

Mr Geoff Underwood
Certificate of Business Studies (Real Estate)
Geoff Underwood joined the Victoria/Tasmania Board of PCFA in 2011 and became Chairman in 2015. He is a Prostate cancer survivor keen to assist others with their understanding and personal experiences with prostate cancer.
Geoff is Managing Director of Underwood & Hume Pty Ltd, a town planning consultancy providing specialist services to government and private clients since 1981. He has expertise in policy formulation and administration having participated on policy committees for the Federal Government and chaired inquiries and policy reviews for the Victorian Government.

Professor Anthony Walker
ASM BParamedicSc, GradDipEmergHlth, MEd
Tony Walker ASM has over 37 years’ experience in the ambulance and emergency services sector, working across senior clinical, operational and leadership roles, most recently as Chief Executive Officer of Ambulance Victoria where he led significant transformation to improve the health and wellbeing of their workforce and the response they provide to the community.
Tony is a Professor of Paramedicine at Monash University, a Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Melbourne, and Vice Chancellor’s Strategic Fellow at Victoria University. He is a Fellow of the Australasian College of Paramedicine, a Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and in addition to PCFA is a non-executive Director of the Emergency Services Foundation and TLC for Kids.
In 2010 Tony was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer at the age of 47 which was successfully treated with a radical prostatectomy. He has been an Ambassador with the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia since 2014.
Associate Professor Amy Hayden
Bsc (Med) MBBS (Hons) FRANZCR
A/Prof Amy Hayden is a Clinical Associate Professor and a senior staff specialist in radiation oncology at Westmead & Blacktown Hospitals and GenesisCare. She is an experienced prostate cancer specialist and is the immediate past Chair of the Australian & New Zealand Radiation Oncology Genito-urinary executive. A/Prof Hayden has authored and supervised several national guidelines for prostate cancer radiation therapy over the past 10 years and is also a member of the NSW Cancer Institute prostate radiation therapy EviQ guidelines committee.
She is actively involved in research and clinical trials in collaboration with the Australian & New Zealand Urogenital & Prostate Cancer trials group (ANZUP) and the Trans-Tasman Radiation Oncology Group (TROG).
A/Prof Hayden has been an invited lecturer and teacher at multiple national and international conferences & events and is also involved in medical student teaching through Macquarie University and Western Sydney University. A/Prof Hayden is a strong advocate for an evidence based and patient-centred approach in the delivery of healthcare

Professor Lisa Butler
PhD, BSc (Hons)
Professor Lisa Butler is a Cancer Council Principal Research Fellow and Prostate Cancer Group Leader in the South Australian Immunogenomics Cancer Institute (SAiGENCI), at the University of Adelaide. She is also Director of the Solid Tumour Program at the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI). She holds a Ph.D. in cancer biology from the University of Adelaide with postdoctoral training in preclinical drug development at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre in New York. Prof Butler’s research focuses on novel approaches to target androgen signalling therapeutically in prostate cancer, and on biomarker discovery in drug development. She has established translational research programs that leverage her unique preclinical models involving primary clinical samples, prostate biobanking and proof-of-concept clinical trials.

Adjunct Professor Peter Heathcote
MBBS (Old), FRACS (Urol)
Adjunct Professor Peter Heathcote is a urologic surgeon with a special interest in cancer of the prostate, robotic surgery and pelvic oncology with over 30 years of practice experience. He is Senior Urologist at the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane Australia and also holds appointments as an Adjunct Professor at the Australian Prostate Cancer Research Centre in Queensland, as a Senior Examiner in Urology at the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, and as a Senior Lecturer in Medicine University of Queensland. He is a Past-President Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand and has been a performance assessor for the AHPRA Medical Board of Australia performance assessor since 2016. Adjunct Professor Heathcote has held Membership of the Academy of Surgical Educators RACS since 2017 and is and Adjunct Clinical Professor of Monash University, as well as serving as a Member of the Board of the Australasian Urological Foundation since 2019. In 2021 he was appointed as a Member of the Australian Government’s Professional Services Review Panel, which is a role he still holds. He has been involved in the work of Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia over many years, lending his expertise and time in a voluntary capacity in pursuit of the mission.